Cupping Notes: Floral, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lemony Bright Citrus, Pomelo, Rosemary, Sweet
Harvest: November - January
Region: San Marcos, Guatemala
Grower: Plan Villa Nueva / Media Cuesta / Aprocafe Acdi / Asociacion Civil de Pequenos Productores de Cafe Manos Campesinas
Altitude: 1,050 - 1,100 MASL
Process: Fully Washed and Dried in the Sun
Variety: Bourbon, Catuai, Catimor, Caturra, and Costa Rica 95
Certification: Fairtrade®
Soil: Clay Minerals
Manos Campesinas is an apt name for an export company dedicated to brining coffee directly from the hands of producers. As an umbrella organization, Manos Campesinas helps smaller associations of producers gain access to the international market. This particular lot comes from three groups in the lesser known coffee producing region in the department of San Marcos, which is actually home to two impressive volcanoes (Tajumulco and Tacana) boosting the highest elevations in all of Central America. Each of these community associations (Plan Villa Nueva, Media Cuesta, and Aprocafe Acdi) focus attention on training producers on best organic practices to manage their farms. In addition to making their own fertilizer, producers use their own micro-mills to process harvested cherries, which includes hand sorting, depulping, fermenting, washing and drying the coffee to 11 percent moisture. At this stage, Manos Campesinas steps in with transportation, warehousing and cupping analysis to establish a traceable community blend with a vibrant regional profile ensuring greater producer earnings.