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Sales are still strong.
Most popular size still 12oz
Most popular grind type- Drip
We are seeing great sales from the use of compostable bags.
Please be sure you are promoting a sustainability message: buyers rank having a message the # 3 most important thing when they select a brand of coffee. It doesn't mean you have to be CO2 neutral or singly handedly saving the entire planet but they want to know you consider your business' impact.
Best Sellers
1-3) Sample Sets
4) 6 Bean
5) Cowboy
6) Whiskey Barrel
7) Guatemala
8) Bali
9) French Vanilla
10) African Espresso
Regular Thursday Q&A ZOOM this week 1:00 Pacific.
Remember next week is the all partner ZOOM meeting.
Invite will be available on Monday - still keeping it secure to avoid the ZOOMBombers.
Topics to include:
Supply Chain Update
Overcoming the Price and Credibility Hurdle
Session 3 of PK Coffee and Roasting - Flavored Coffee
Q&A - feel free to submit questions ahead of time.
Have a great week!
Sales are still strong.
Most popular size still 12oz
Most popular grind type- Drip
We are seeing great sales from the use of compostable bags.
Please be sure you are promoting a sustainability message: buyers rank having a message the # 3 most important thing when they select a brand of coffee. It doesn't mean you have to be CO2 neutral or singly handedly saving the entire planet but they want to know you consider your business' impact.
Best Sellers
1-3) Sample Sets
4) 6 Bean
5) Cowboy
6) Whiskey Barrel
7) Guatemala
8) Bali
9) French Vanilla
10) African Espresso
Regular Thursday Q&A ZOOM this week 1:00 Pacific.
Remember next week is the all partner ZOOM meeting.
Invite will be available on Monday - still keeping it secure to avoid the ZOOMBombers.
Topics to include:
Supply Chain Update
Overcoming the Price and Credibility Hurdle
Session 3 of PK Coffee and Roasting - Flavored Coffee
Q&A - feel free to submit questions ahead of time.
Have a great week!